June 4, 2017

We left our motel this morning at 6:00 a.m.  It was cool and overcast.  We road to the the east end of La Grande, where we had breakfast at the Flying J truck stop.  The food was fantastic.  Michael ate enough for two people.

We left breakfast and headed southeast on 203.  It was a fabulous ride, that is until I had another flat.  We literally changed my tire as well.  I am wondering if the gator skinned tires are the way to go.  On top of the flat, my pump gave out.  We managed to get enough air in the tire to ride the rest of the day.  There was a lot of praying going on.  Michael does not have a pump with him, so we were both a bit nervous.

When we arrived in Baker City, around noon, and the first thing we did was look for a pump, make that two pumps, and a few extra tubes.  We found both; prayers were answered.  I will need to find another fold up tire as a spare.  I am hopeful I can find one in Ontario, the town were we are going to tomorrow.  Tomorrow’s ride will be nearly 80 miles.

We did have a little bit of a climb today, however for the most part the terrain was pretty flat.  We seemed to be able to ride through crevasse’s, between some pretty significant mountains.  All day we were flanked on our right side, the west, with snow covered mountains.  We could see snow covered mountains on our east side as well.

Brenda Hummel text me this morning with several verses from Psalm 121.  “ I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”  Those words kept running through my head as we road through the mountains, wondering if we would make it to Baker City, without more tire trouble.

Today being Sunday, I couldn't help but think of friends from Berlin Mennonite who were together for worship.  Michael and I talked about the fact that even though we were out in the middle of nowhere, it was a worshipful experience.

One thing that is very clear, is that Oregon is very earth conscious.  There is no trash along the road.  Windmills line the hill tops.  Hydro power is being produced along the major rivers.  Another thing that is becoming clear, is that people are generally really good.  We have met some really kind people who want to help if you have a problem.  I have always thought humanity is basically kind and good.  This experience cements this understanding for me.

We rode a little over 51 miles today.  It has been nice to have some down time this afternoon.  We both look forward to watching the CAVS game tonight.

Good to be alive!


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