June 28, 2017
I left my hotel this morning at 5:30. It was still dark and the air was heavy. During the night a tremendous thunderstorm went through the area. The harvesters were not happy with the rain. They have been stuck in the area, unable to harvest wheat due to rain.
When I started out, I had a 15 mile an hour south wind. I was wondering if that would be the case all day. At about 8:00 I ran into another biker heading west. He used some colorful language to describe the wind and flatness of the terrain, and then headed west. Laterin the day, I ran into another biker heading west. He was from Greenville, South Carolina. He too complained about the wind and the heat.
As I made my way to the east, I soon realized that things were greening up. I started to see corn feilds that I suspect rival any feilds back home. I also saw a beautiful feild of soybeans. Alfalfa hay feilds seemed more plentiful as well.
About mid-day, that 15 mile an hour south wind turned to a southwest wind. That was so helpful. Now instead of going 12 and 13 miles an hour, I could consistantly go 15 to 16 miles and hour. Over several hours at that spread you soon eliminate seat time. Right now I need to eliminate seat time.
During the middle of my ride I came across a sign that was embedded in a bank that said "Christ pilot me." I want to try and claim that saying the rest of this trip. I can find myself getting pretty anxious about meeting deadlines and trying to finish on time. Every person that I have met on a bike refuses to have an end arrival time. I think that is wise. Perhaps I should give up my goal and rely more on Christ.
Yesterday my brother John called saying he wanted to ride the last week with me. I am so pleased by this. Today Eric Yoder called and said he will meet me on July 6th, to ride with me for 4 or 5 days. I am grateful for this news as well. It should be a lot of fun to ride with Eric and John.
Tomorrow I will ride to South Hutchison, Kansas. I should cover 95 miles or so. I will again need to contend with the wind and the heat.
Sorry no pictures tonight. Hopefully that changes tomorrow night.
It is good to be alive!
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