May 31, 2017 Last night it rained pretty hard. This morning it was cool and cloudy. For the first fifteen miles I had a tail wind. After that things settled down and it was pretty calm. People have been so helpful and kind. Most people traveling the interstate move over to the passing lane to go by me. However there is always that one! It is interesting riding on the far shoulder, six or seven feet from the white line, with cars and trucks flying by you at 70 mile and hour. You simply can't think to much about it. You do a lot of trusting that all will be okay. But there is always that one. I heard this semi coming closer to me, hitting the rumble strip now and then, and when he was right beside me, he blew the loudest horn I have ever heard. For a while I though I might need to stop and change. There is always one! Today I experienced a first on the trip. Not just one...
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May 30, 2017 Today was a day of change. The topography, as well as the scenery changed drastically. After climbing for the first five miles I rode above the Columbia River for ten miles. I soon realized that the trees were not as plentiful. In fact by the end of the day I was unable to spot a tree. I also rode out of what is known as the Columbia River Gorge. For the last twenty miles, I rode along the Columbia River along interstate 84. On the other side of the River, I watched as every twenty minutes is so, a long train would run along the waters edge and right up against the mountain. Although the train was nearly a mile away, you could hear the train as the noise from it bounced of the rock formations that it ran beside. At one point I was riding beside a barge that was being pushed by a tug boat. I don't know for sure but is suspect the barge was being pushed east to a large elevator. I had little human con...
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May 29, 2017 I left Troutdale this morning under the cover of fog. That was sort of disappointing since I knew I would miss out on some of the most scenic views on the entire trip. As I climbed I realized that I was getting pretty wet. By the time I go to the top I was wet and cold. Adam and Jarrod had purchased and amazing rain coat for me, which saved my day. As soon as I put it on I started warming up. The Oregon Historic Highway is a narrow two lane road with switchbacks every several hundred feet. As I coasted down the other side I soon ran into some amazing waterfalls. Maltnomah Falls in amazing. Most of the day was spent on OHH, bike trails and frontage roads. I did need to ride on interstate 84. It is interesting riding on the interstate with cars and trucks flying by you only eight feet away. I arrived at Hood Rover just in time this afternoon. It was nearly 80 degrees and the wind was pic...
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We left our home for the airport at 4:00AM on Friday. I arrived in Portland to the sight of our good friends, Sean and Stephanie Stephens. They had driven over four hours to pick me up and take me to the coast. It took nearly two hours to get my bike together and get everything all packed and ready to go. Sean and Stephanie, did well it helping me get ready. Before leaving them, Sean offered a prayer for safety and blessing. Riding away from them, realizing I had 3500 miles in front of me, I had a feeling inside of me like I have never had before. It was nearly 80 degrees when I left the coast line. I rode through amazing scenery. At 8:00 PM, after having riden over 42 miles, I was met on the side of the road by Howie Hatfield's sister, Nora. Howie is a friend from Berlin Mennonite Church. Nora and her husband Rick offered wonderful hospitality in the way of conversation, a wonderful meal, and a great bed. It was 11:00 p.m whenI turn...
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May 25, 2017 And so, the journey begins! A number of years ago Sheryl and I saw the movie, “Bucket List.” On the way home, we talked about things that were on our bucket list. We had a list together, and we also formed our own separate bucket list. Much of my list included adventure. One such adventure was riding bicycle for 3500 miles across the United States. On Friday May 26 th, I begin what I thought might only be a dream. Friday, Sheryl will take me to Cleveland Airport where I will take my bike and gear and head for Portland, Oregon. I arrive in Portland around 11:00 am. Sean and Stephanie Stephens, friends of Sheryl and I, will pick me up and take me to the coastal town of Astoria, Oregon. My hope is that I can ride for several hours during the afternoon on the 26 th , to try and get to warmer temperatures by mid-evening. There is a difference of nearly 30 degrees from Astoria to Portland....